Tuesday, June 22, 2010

From Sunday

After Saturday’s all-day event.  After more than 10,000 men, women and children heard about God’s love.  After thousands accepted Christ and more than a thousand of those chose to follow that decision by being discipled.  After all that work.  After seeing GOD work.  We rested. And celebrated.

Sunday morning we met again at the site of the Love Extreme mega-event.  We honored the Sabbath, the creator of the Sabbath and the Lover of our souls.  We reveled in His Majesty and in His awesomeness.  We heard numbers that backed-up what we had seen with our eyes, heard with our ears and felt in our hearts.  God’s Spirit had moved in a mighty way.  Nick Vujicic told Extreme Director Brian Tibbs the same thing I told you the other day- that he had to tell the crowd three times to sit if they were not praying for salvation.  He also told Brian that the usual response was 10-20%, but Love Extreme had shown a 60-80% response.  A response like that could only happen if “it was bathed in prayer.”  So to you prayer warriors out there: Keep it up!  God hears you and Peru feels you and Satan fears you. 

The highlight of Sunday, however, was the unveiling of 3, THREE, new Extreme Projects.  The Next Extreme is in Paraguay with five pairs of 40/40’s working to disciple new believers into 15 amazing, growing churches.  Those missionaries will be working alongside with a new, passionate missionary: Felix Varga, former head of the Columbian drug cartel.  The Next Extreme is back in Peru- Lima this time.  35 40/40’s will be planting 35 churches in Lima, Peru.  The Next Extreme is in Cali, Columbia, helping the world’s largest Nazarene church (12,000 total people in 7 services) build a new building that will seat 8,000.

After the announcement, Brian shared the specific personnel needs for these projects and for the admin and mobilization teams.  The Extreme Staff held lit torches and ushers waited at the front with candles.  People who felt God calling them to fill one of those positions came forward, received a candle and had it lit.  The metaphor needed no explanation, and the several people expressed a call to a long-term position and several others signed up to take part in short-term projects at those new sites.

God is continuing to move and we are excited to see what happens in these new areas. 

God is good!

*PS Please feel free to reply or visit the blog to comment.

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