Like a lightening bolt in the midst of dark skies, God's great love reached out to some 10,000 people that entered into the gates at Love Extreme today. Our family invested our time watching and playing with children all day while parents had the opportunity to hear stories of hope from Lonna Vopat and Felix Vargas. With huge smiles and painted faces these wonderful children heard the story of the love of God and had opportunities to accept Him as their own!
"Where is Nick Vujicic?" This is the question! Many Peruvians wanted to know when they could see this amazing guy. At 5pm, this man who lives a "life without limbs", stood up, sort of, and shared the hope and peace of Christ with 1,000's of Peruvians! At the end he offered them the same hope and peace that God has provided for him. A wave of hands arose as he asked who had prayed with him! Chad and I wept as we watched 100's, of people take a step of faith and walk up the conference center to receive their bibles and give their information!
Wow! I was totally enthralled by the ministry and message of Nick Vujicic. I waited with anticipation as he approached the "alter call." I began to pray and to feel the hope that God would do what Extreme had hoped and prayed for. He had already filled the Cerro Juli fairgrounds with a number I assume was very close to the "shoot-for-the-stars goal" of 10,000.
Nick asked for only those who would be praying to stand, but much of the crowd had been standing all night in the open field in front of the stage and most remained that way. Apparently concerned that many people standing were not going to pray the sinner's prayer, Nick repeated that everyone should sit down, that this prayer was only for those who were making a FIRST-TIME commitment to a relationship with Jesus Christ. Still the crowd remained on their feet.
The group that followed was not the entire number who raised their hands, but was absolutely amazing. 40/40's walked beside the group with faces that I imagine shined like they had just seen God himself. Even after the group had gone into a building to meet with missionaries, more of us were approached. "Where did the flag go?" "Where can we get our Bibles?"
Jesus said that the field were ripe for harvest- and I have just seen what can happen when we pray that God will send workers into the harvest fields (and when we are willing to be those workers).
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