Friday, June 25, 2010

The Sick, the Anointed and the Called!                                                                        Thursday, June 24th

Today was the festival of the Sun God here in Cusco, Peru.  Thousands came from all over the world to celebrate and observe this pagan Incan holiday.  With great caution we approached today, bathing it in prayer.  Today was symbolic of the sin that has the people here in Cusco entangled and imprisoned in darkness.  This pagan religion meshed with an unidentifiable form of Catholicism equals Idol worship! 
Due to the festival and 2 sick boys we voted to make today a movie day!  Miles threw up, but wanted us to know he was “just joking” and that he really was just fine.  Ryan made multiple trips to the bathroom, also convinced that an upset tummy should not deter us from ministry as usual.  Chad and I won the battle and the boys stayed home and watched borrowed Peruvian pirated versions of UP!, National Treasure and Chicken Little.

At 1:00pm I ventured out with a group of short-termers to go and anoint and pray over sites that will eventually be evangelized by our 40/40 missionaries that arrive here in October.  We drove a short distance to Santiago and joined together in prayer for the people there and then anointed the front steps of the Catholic Cathedral with oil; declaring our desire to see God’s anointing on the missionaries, on the people of Santiago and on the actual physical community!

We hopped on the bus to our second site of the day.  We twisted through the Andes Mountains for approximately ½ hour.  On our ride we could see the top of the mountain, (pronounced Sexy Woman), where the Peruvians were offering sacrifices and performing rituals to the Sun God.   My heart was torn as I was reminded once again of the grip that Satan has here in Cusco and what an amazing miracle it will be when he pierces the darkness and becomes victorious over the false gods and the darkened hearts in Peru!

Anta was our second stop to pray and anoint.  We gathered in the square, which all Peruvian towns have, and we anointed it, too, with oil.  We used the same prayer of dedication that Solomon did when he dedicated the temple to God in 2nd Chronicles 6:18-21. Teary-eyed we all left quietly.  It was not just mindless words or acts that were preformed today, but the presence of God that showed up that will change the lives of the people in Santiago and Ante.

Tonight was awesome as well.  Chad and I took out 10 members of our short-term team that are considering long term ministry with Extreme!  We ate some amazing food and talked about the needs of Paraguay, Colombia and Peru (Extreme Peru 2).  Each dinner guest is called to go beyond what average life holds and jump into an amazing adventure of missions work across the world.  Several of them are ready to apply and jump on board very soon.  Be in prayer for each one of them as they answer God’s call into ministry!
In that same breathe, thank you!  Many of you reading this are a part of supporting our ministry with your love, prayers and finances as we continue to take on the amazing call God has placed on our lives!  I can’t help but to be overwhelmed by the fact that if God didn’t call us, and people like us, to be a part of mobilization, this work would not be possible.  No 40/40’s, no cluster support missionaries, no short term teams and no funds to plant Churches.  For it is you that have made all this possible!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Festival de Ninos!

Yesterday we went out to a village beyond Cuzco where a church plant will be.  Before our group arrived there, the medical team set up a free clinic for the local Peruvians.  The area we were in is very resistant to God's message.  Almost everyone follows the ancient Inca religion or a warped form of Catholicism that combines idol worship and pagan ideas with "christianity."  In fact, one of our 40/40's was even told by a local.  "Nobody wants you here.  We are Incans or Catholics and we will still be when you leave."

We stopped in the plaza at the center of town, ate a quick lunch and began playing with a parachute- the kind kids play with in gym class.  Slowly at first, then much quicker, th plaza began to fill with children.  We made balloon animals, painted faces, played games like Pato, Pato, Gonzo. (5 soles to the first non-Spanish-speaker to email me with the English name of that game.)  While we played, another group visited a pre-school and handed out 70 balloons to 70 kids.  They shared briefly and were invited to return.  After all the play time, after all the loving on this children and these families, we put on a puppet show in Spanish and Katie, a Peruvian 40/40 spoke with the crowd and asked the kids questions about the puppet show.  Today, we sowed seeds of God's love, and we pray that the 40/40's will be able to water those seeds and that God will help them grow.

We are determined to give the 40/40's a jump-start to work with, and we are undaunted by the fact that this city is the rockiest soil in all of Peru.  Cuzco has nearly as many tourists as Peruvians and is flooded with pagan beliefs.  In fact, today is the climax of their biggest festival of the year.  Pray for Extreme as we reach out to these lost communities.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

So When I was 12....

Imagine with me for a moment that you are still 12?  What is your favorite thing to do?  What is school like?  Who do you live with?   When I was 12 I was busy playing with dolls, riding my bike and building forts in the woods with my brothers.  I can imagine your favorite things to do were very similar to mine.  We were free to be children, build friendships, play all day and maybe help with a few chores around the house.

Yesterday a group of 40 women from the Cusco team went to minister at La Casita Montay.  There we held babies and loved on mommas who, at the age of 12, had their first child.  That is right.  Mantay is a home for girls who have become pregnant at the age of 12.  Many of these girls suffered from abuse or rape that not only caused emotional and physical scars, but gave them a living breathing reminder of their pasts.

I would like to say that La Casita Mantay is an amazing ministry, unfortunately it is a secular home funded by a group of big hearted people from Spain.  They have funded an amazing building for up to 14 girls and their babies to live in.  Once they are there, they can stay until they are 18 years old.   There are also 12 ladies who have lived there in the past, who have now returned to help build the self esteem and train girls who are walking in shoes they are well familiar with.   

While living there the girls receive one day of schooling per week.  It is focused on teaching them trades so they can get jobs and support their child(ren).  Some of the girls are able to work in the factory 5 days a week, located on the grounds, where they learn to make trade items to sell to raise money to fund Mantay.  The other girls get jobs at restaurants.  After taking turns cooking and cleaning for about 50 people they are well equipped for that type of work.

The children have amazing teachers to love on them while their moms are working and learning!  The home offers care for the infants and preschool for the 3-6 year olds.  They have a library, classrooms, a yard to run and play in and teachers who truly care about them.  After 6, they attended a local public or private school and then are offered after-school help when they get home.

A mix of emotions washed over the group as we watched 12 girls come and retrieve their babies from their classes and sit in front of the puppet stage.  They are so young and immature.  The boundaries of language didn’t muddy our ability to see the pain in many of the girls’ eyes. 

The children had a blast with the puppets, balloons, stickers and coloring books while their moms were pampered with a fun variety of nail polish colors.  The girls then listened intently as Nicole Yates shared her testimony of God’s grace and hope in her life. 
3 of the girls from this home have accepted Christ as their personal savior and Extreme has been back several times to minister to them.  We are excited for our 40/40’s to arrive in October and start heart-to-heart discipleship with these girls.  The librarian there is also a Christian, and she is actively praying for the girls and staying connected with those who have accepted Christ.

This brings us back to the reminder that “We have been called to freedom…so use your freedom to serve one another in love.  For the whole law can be summed up in one command: Love your neighbor as yourself!” Galatians 4:13-14

From Sunday

After Saturday’s all-day event.  After more than 10,000 men, women and children heard about God’s love.  After thousands accepted Christ and more than a thousand of those chose to follow that decision by being discipled.  After all that work.  After seeing GOD work.  We rested. And celebrated.

Sunday morning we met again at the site of the Love Extreme mega-event.  We honored the Sabbath, the creator of the Sabbath and the Lover of our souls.  We reveled in His Majesty and in His awesomeness.  We heard numbers that backed-up what we had seen with our eyes, heard with our ears and felt in our hearts.  God’s Spirit had moved in a mighty way.  Nick Vujicic told Extreme Director Brian Tibbs the same thing I told you the other day- that he had to tell the crowd three times to sit if they were not praying for salvation.  He also told Brian that the usual response was 10-20%, but Love Extreme had shown a 60-80% response.  A response like that could only happen if “it was bathed in prayer.”  So to you prayer warriors out there: Keep it up!  God hears you and Peru feels you and Satan fears you. 

The highlight of Sunday, however, was the unveiling of 3, THREE, new Extreme Projects.  The Next Extreme is in Paraguay with five pairs of 40/40’s working to disciple new believers into 15 amazing, growing churches.  Those missionaries will be working alongside with a new, passionate missionary: Felix Varga, former head of the Columbian drug cartel.  The Next Extreme is back in Peru- Lima this time.  35 40/40’s will be planting 35 churches in Lima, Peru.  The Next Extreme is in Cali, Columbia, helping the world’s largest Nazarene church (12,000 total people in 7 services) build a new building that will seat 8,000.

After the announcement, Brian shared the specific personnel needs for these projects and for the admin and mobilization teams.  The Extreme Staff held lit torches and ushers waited at the front with candles.  People who felt God calling them to fill one of those positions came forward, received a candle and had it lit.  The metaphor needed no explanation, and the several people expressed a call to a long-term position and several others signed up to take part in short-term projects at those new sites.

God is continuing to move and we are excited to see what happens in these new areas. 

God is good!

*PS Please feel free to reply or visit the blog to comment.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Extreme is an Understatement!

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Today we lived in a place that was far beyond our imaginations!  Arequipa, a city of over 1 million, is tucked away in the Andes mountains of Peru.  The darkness that overshadows these people is thick and breaking into that darkness is a long and tedious task.  Satan doesn't want to see us here; he doesn't want to see the power of God transform the lives of the people here, but today, Satan lost.

Like a lightening bolt in the midst of dark skies, God's great love reached out to some 10,000 people that entered into the gates at Love Extreme today.  Our family invested our time watching and playing with children all day while parents had the opportunity to hear stories of hope from Lonna Vopat and Felix Vargas.  With huge smiles and painted faces these wonderful children heard the story of the love of God and had opportunities to accept Him as their own!  

Miles, Joel and Ryan also had an opportunity to be missionaries today!  As silly as it sounds, their light hair and blue eyes drew crowds of moms and children saying "que lindo" (how cute) and gave us the opportunity to be Christ to them!  Ryan also led Rico Cuy around to meet 100's of children!

"Where is Nick Vujicic?"  This is the question!  Many Peruvians wanted to know when they could see this amazing guy.  At 5pm, this man who lives a "life without limbs", stood up, sort of, and shared the hope and peace of Christ with 1,000's of Peruvians!  At the end he offered them the same hope and peace that God has provided for him.  A wave of hands arose as he asked who had prayed with him!  Chad and I wept as we watched 100's, of people take a step of faith and walk up the conference center to receive their bibles and give their information!

At this point we have no clue how many names were etched in the book of life today, what I do know is that over the next weeks each of these people will get a visit from a missionary and begin to be discipled by the 40/40 missionaries working here in Arequipa!  

To God be the glory, great things he hath done!

Wow!  I was totally enthralled by the ministry and message of Nick Vujicic.  I waited with anticipation as he approached the "alter call."  I began to pray and to feel the hope that God would do what Extreme had hoped and prayed for.  He had already filled the Cerro Juli fairgrounds with a number I assume was very close to the "shoot-for-the-stars goal" of 10,000.  

As Nick began to to ask people to pray the sinner's prayer with him, a few folks began to leave. I prayed that those who were leaving would feel God's urging and return to to pray.  
Nick asked for only those who would be praying to stand, but much of the crowd had been standing all night in the open field in front of the stage and most remained that way.   Apparently concerned that many people standing were not going to pray the sinner's prayer, Nick repeated that everyone should sit down, that this prayer was only for those who were making a FIRST-TIME commitment to a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Still the crowd remained on their feet.  

Finally Nick led the Peruvians in the prayer and asked for those who had prayed with him to raise their hands and wave.  Still the number of those waving was incredibly too great.  "No, no.  Only if you prayed with me and have accepted Christ into your heart.  Then wave at me."  Only a few hands went down.  By Nick's estimation nearly 80% of the crowd accepted Christ.  Those waving their hands were directed to follow a yellow flag to where they could begin being discipled.  
The group that followed was not the entire number who raised their hands, but was absolutely amazing.  40/40's walked beside the group with faces that I imagine shined like they had just seen God himself.  Even after the group had gone into a building to meet with missionaries, more of us were approached.  "Where did the flag go?"  "Where can we get our Bibles?"

Jesus said that the field were ripe for harvest- and I have just seen what can happen when we pray that God will send workers into the harvest fields (and when we are willing to be those workers).

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Oracíon with Passion!

A powerful, heart wrenching message from Dr. Daniel Ketchum this evening was an amazing way to lead into a 10PM prayer service!  The power of the Holy Spirit was felt mightily as we pounded on the doors of heaven, petitioning our God to fill us with His might so that tomorrow, when Love Extreme is here, we are able to be a powerful tool used in an Extreme Global Expansion of God's Kingdom!

The day, in and of itself, was just as amazing!  Chad, Ryan and I, along with an amazing group of Extremies from Oregon to Illinois, traveled to the out skirts of Arequipa to pass our flyers to the people of Socabaya.  Our bus ride our was well worth the opportunity to invited 100's of people and hang posters for hours all over the town!  And we were not the only group!  There were 15 others just like us, pounding the pavement, personally inviting people to come and experience Amor Extremo tomorrow.

We have let them know we are missionaries, but we are drawing them in with free medical clinics, children's festivals, Nick Vujacic  and of course, several 100 Cuy!  We are secretly planning a mass invasion of the power of God to conquer the sin in their lives and openly invite them into an amazing relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but don't tell.  It's a secret.

On a personal note, today was very rewarding.  My job is not an easy one and many people have a hard time understanding what I do and why in the world I would do a full time + job as a volunteer.  Today a father of one of the 40/40 missionaries approached me while I was eating ice cream with some friends.  After excusing himself for interrupting, he said this: "Rachel, I know what you do can be hard and discouraging at times, but I want you to know that my family is here, in this place because of you."  That makes it all worth it; from missionary training to preparing 2 week volunteers to raising 100's of 1,000's of dollars.  God working in, through and around the lives of his people is why we are here!  This is why we do what we do!

"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion.  Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere." Ephesians 5:18

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We Have Arrived

There is no deep spiritual or theological implications to our title, we simply have arrived in Peru!

Yesterday afternoon we packed the van, unloaded at MIA, got on a plane and flew to Lima! God was faithful to answer my selfish prayer that the trip would be uneventful. Our flights to Lima left on time and we make it Lima around 11:30pm. We took a few hour nap on the tile floor, got our next ticket and left at 6AM this morning for Arequipa.

After 1 hour we touched down in the city of Arequipa. Surrounded by 3 volcanoes and in the midst of the Andes, the boys were amazed by what they saw. Even after several trips here, I am still amazed at the beauty of it all!

Most of the day we rested, recouping from the long night and adjusting to nearly 8,000 ft in the air! What an amazing experience.

For lunch we hit a local spot known for their Cuy (guinea pig), because Ryan insisted that we check it out! He ate it all! Joel and Miles enjoyed Chicken fried chicken and Chad and I shared a sampler platter with stuffed peppers, roasted pork and a few other yummy items. The food was just enhanced by the great company of 3 friends; Brian Tibbs, Scott Armstrong and Dan Penrod.

The boys played on a local play ground and did a great job making up Spanish words to try to talk with the other kids. Joel kept yelling, "Hey Amigo, do you speak English, do you want to play with me?" Later we napped again and headed to the Umacollo Nazarene Church for dinner with over 100 short term workers and dozens of long term missionaries, including several of the 40/40's!

We wrapped up the evening with very cold showers....the picture of Miles on the potty is him hiding in the other bathroom crying because he didn't want to get a cold shower. No worries they all survived and are now fast asleep.

Pray for us as we venture out tomorrow with The Foster's and a few short termers to pass our flyers and put up posters for Love Extreme! We are praying that 1,000's of Peruvian will accept Christ through this amazing outreach event! You can see more at

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


June 15, 2010
As I stand in the kitchen, the sound of bacon sizzling and smell of freshly ground coffee percolating have me excited for the moment when I sit down to breakfast.  My mouth is watering in anticipation.  I have a few more things to do before then.  The bacon is not quite done.  My eggs are not scrambled.  I haven't decided whether to have toast or make a breakfast burrito.  But preparations are underway.  And I am excited.
That's where we are with this adventure, too.  Just about everything is ready. There is a list of things to do.  Pack 72 Spanish Bibles. Wash the last few loads of laundry.  Vacuum the van.  Pack crazy amounts of peanut butter and breakfast bars (for missionaries who don't get much of either).
By the way, I went with the breakfast burrito, and it is awesome.
There is another kind of preparation, too.  Because this morning feels almost like a marathon morning.  On marathon mornings, I wake up with an anxious energy.  I am excited to run the race, and I have no idea what is going to happen over the 26.2 mile haul.  I have no idea what the ups and downs will be like.  I think about my training: the good runs, the great runs, the bad runs.  I wonder if I am really ready for this.
This morning feels a bit like that.  The energy is there.  The self-doubt is there- a little bit.  But that's okay, because I am not ready- but my God is.  This morning, I pray that God will continue to prepare my heart and mind for this adventure.  I pray that he prepares our entire family.  I pray that he prepares every individual involved in going to Peru for this project.  And I pray that he prepares those whom we will touch.
Please pray for us and Love Extreme in Peru.

Que Dios te bendiga,


By Grace

An old saying goes "The will of God won't lead, where the grace of God can't keep you." Over the last 6 months our family has been on a great journey of God's leading and honestly, I can't remember most of it. Today would be my baby sister's 18th Birthday, but instead of wrapping gifts we are packing bags, instead of cake and ice cream we are looking at eating cuy (guinea pig) and instead of showering her with love we are passing love onto Peruvians who desperately need to know the love of God.

The will of God has lead us to this place. James reminds me perfectly of God's intentions for us; "when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." Natalie is perfect and complete and we are on our way to join her eventually, but in the mean time, pray for us over the next 3 weeks. Pray that now, since God has led us to this place, that His grace will keep us and use us in an Extreme Expansion of His kingdom!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


June 12, 2010
We made the trip here to Florida almost uneventfully.  Almost, because Miles threw-up twice on the way down.  The second time was just before the exit for my brother's house, so we used Uncle Ben's house for a quick shower and a car cleanup.  Then we stopped in Beckley to use Nana's washer and dryer and eat her food for lunch (she was already in Florida waiting on us).  We didn't get to our hotel in Hardeeville, SC until 11:00 on Wednesday night, then we finished the trip on Thursday.
Since arriving, we have been spoiled by trips to the beach (1 mile away), hours in the pool (in PawPaw's backyard) and dinners at Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza and Captain Charlie's Reef Grill.
I have gotten a couple hot steamy runs in- I'll have to do my next one either before sunrise or after sunset to avoid the major heat and humidity.  Rachel is excitedly preparing to speak at Northlake Church of the Nazarene in the morning. (Seriously, she is typing, laughing and talking to herself as she prepares- don't tell her I said that).
We are having a blast spending time with family and vacationing a bit, but we are anxiously waiting to get to Peru.  Rachel just groaned in "righteous" jealousy (is there such a thing?) as she saw some pictures of Love Extreme posted on Facebook.  Yes, she is multi-tasking.

Well, I need to go burn some calories.  More later.
Que Dios te bendiga,


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Tomorrow morning we will be driving towards Jupiter, Florida. But we won't get there. Not tomorrow. When we'll stop, no one knows. We'll spend the night along the way and we'll eventually get there, recuperate with the in-laws, then fly to Peru as we continue our Extreme Family Adventure 201o.

Rachel and I will update this blog as often as possible as we are traveling, ministering and witnessing the hand of God in Peru. Check back often, or better yet, click this link and register your email to get our blog emailed to you when we update it.

I had better get back to packing and getting the house cleaned up so we can get on the road with the sunrise.

Que Dios te bendiga