The Sick, the Anointed and the Called! Thursday, June 24th
Due to the festival and 2 sick boys we voted to make today a movie day! Miles threw up, but wanted us to know he was “just joking” and that he really was just fine. Ryan made multiple trips to the bathroom, also convinced that an upset tummy should not deter us from ministry as usual. Chad and I won the battle and the boys stayed home and watched borrowed Peruvian pirated versions of UP!, National Treasure and Chicken Little.
We hopped on the bus to our second site of the day. We twisted through the Andes Mountains for approximately ½ hour. On our ride we could see the top of the mountain, (pronounced Sexy Woman), where the Peruvians were offering sacrifices and performing rituals to the Sun God. My heart was torn as I was reminded once again of the grip that Satan has here in Cusco and what an amazing miracle it will be when he pierces the darkness and becomes victorious over the false gods and the darkened hearts in Peru!
Anta was our second stop to pray and anoint. We gathered in the square, which all Peruvian towns have, and we anointed it, too, with oil. We used the same prayer of dedication that Solomon did when he dedicated the temple to God in 2nd Chronicles 6:18-21. Teary-eyed we all left quietly. It was not just mindless words or acts that were preformed today, but the presence of God that showed up that will change the lives of the people in Santiago and Ante.
Tonight was awesome as well. Chad and I took out 10 members of our short-term team that are considering long term ministry with Extreme! We ate some amazing food and talked about the needs of Paraguay, Colombia and Peru (Extreme Peru 2). Each dinner guest is called to go beyond what average life holds and jump into an amazing adventure of missions work across the world. Several of them are ready to apply and jump on board very soon. Be in prayer for each one of them as they answer God’s call into ministry!