Friday, July 6, 2012

Mission Immersion

Right now Rachel is on her way to Nairobi, Kenya for Mission Immersion on the campus of Africa Nazarene University.  What is Mission Immersion? See the description below from the Nazarene website.
This gathering is for high school students who have a definite call to serve as a missionary someday in a culture other than their own.
We will have incredible times of prayer, teaching and learning during the 12 day event. Plenary sessions and workshops will offer biblical wisdom and personal narratives of how God leads his servants. Times of worship with ANU students will be rich in the presence of the Holy Spirit. God will lead as we experience hands-on times of ministry and service to the community around ANU and Nairobi.
While in Kenya, Rachel will help lead the project, helping young people explore what it means to be a missionary and how God is leading them now.  Keep tuned here for updates from Rachel; like the Mission Immersion Facebook page for updates on the project in general; and pray that God will move in amazing ways, shaping the participants and changing those to whom they minister.


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